Blessed Nation

Psalms 33:12  “Blessed is the nation whose god is The LORD.”

In Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, delegates from the Thirteen Colonies gathered in this small hall to discuss declaring their freedom from the rule of Britain.

The declaration had been drafted and was being considered, along with the fate of those who signed the document. If they failed it would mean certain death by hanging, or the headman’s axe. They would lose their wealth, their sacred honor, and their lives.

As the day wore on, the issue hung heavy in the balance and then, an “old man” rose from the small gallery. He seemed to be calling on all the strength he could muster, as he reminded everyone of the grievances that had brought them there and to this moment. Then, as though it would be his last breath he appealed: “Sign that parchment! They may turn every tree into a gallows, every home into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can never die.”

Then he added, “If my hands were freezing in death, I would sign that parchment with my last ounce of strength. Sign! Sign, if the next moment the noose is around your neck, …for that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the  Bible of the rights of man forever.” And he fell back, apparently exhausted, but all 56 delegates were moved to sign The Declaration Of Independence. They turned to thank him for his moving words, but he could not be found, nor were there any who knew him, or how he had come in and gone out the locked and guarded doors!

In the wake of the (4th of July)  Commemoration of the Travail and Birth of this Great Nation, we sense the urgency in the atmosphere as the “voice of the Lord” echoes and reverberates from the news headlines as well as from the Word of God; “Come out from among them and be ye separate.” HE is about to take HIS Church OUT!

––Surely!!!   “Blessed is the nation whose god is The LORD…”

– Pastor T. H. Sheppard